Friday, May 10, 2013

Giving up hope on humanity is tough.

Today I am being a bit of a Debbie Downer and I apologize up front. People make me very sad and I feel the need to express that, if only to get it off my chest so I can move on.

This morning when I was leaving for work I heard something crying near my car that sounded like a kitten. I went looking for it and it got louder as I neared my neighbor's truck, but I didn't see anything in the bed. There was a small plastic tub towards the tailgate that was moving a bit and I opened it and found a tiny little orange kitten. It was soaking wet and had obviously been in the this tub in the bed of the truck all night in the rain. I didn't know what to do, I was running late and couldn't bring it into my house, I couldn't take the chance of getting my cat sick. The neighbors were asleep so I brought the tub up to their porch and got it out of the rain and made sure that it was not airtight so that the kitty could breathe.

On my way to work I sobbed and sobbed because I couldn't do more for the kitty. I texted my husband the longest text telling him what happened and a little later I called him (for an unrelated subject) and he asked me what exactly happened, which caused me to start blubbering like a little girl all over again. He said he would leave work right then to get the kitten and figure something out. Everything ended up okay, the kitten went to a friend of the neighbor and all is well, but it is still lingering in my head and has affected me all day.

What kind of person does that? It may make me just as bad as them, but I feel the strongest urge to whack this guy with a bat and then shove him in a plastic tub in the rain. I love animals, not crazy PETA love, but I don't think they should be treated cruelly. It's a good way to sort out the bad people from the good by observing how they treat animals. I won't be inviting this neighbor to any barbeques anytime soon. He should feel lucky I don't punch him when I see him next.

I just keep thinking, what if my Crowley had just been left in a tub somewhere? Crowley is a rescue cat from the pound and I'm so happy that we have been able to give him a good home. My pets are my kids and I don't understand how others can treat animals poorly.

Everyone should go home today and hug their kitties or puppies or whatever animal they have that they can hug.


  1. That's terrible, but I'm glad it ended well! Cuddling my cat right now, showing her love and appreciation, but I think she's a little bit sick of it now haha!

    Kate x

    1. It was very sad, I've never found blatant animal abuse before and it really affected me. I'm glad all turned out okay as well.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
